What is a tie bet Experience in playing draw bets from experts

Draw is a common term in soccer betting that any bettor must know. However, this is not the type of concept that any new player will grasp. So what is a draw bet? Is it easy to play? Find out with Bongda.so in the article below!


What is a tie bet?

Draw odds, also known as flat odds, are a type of Asian odds (Handicap odds). This type of bet appears when both teams are considered equally talented and can create an attractive match in many aspects.


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Besides, with important matches, bookmakers often offer a draw for the two teams. This is considered the simplest way to play Asian handicap betting and is loved by many players because of its competitiveness and appeal.


What is a tie bet?

What is a tie bet?

Draw rules

Compared to other types of Asian handicaps such as half a handicap, 0.25 handicap, 1 and a half handicaps,… draw handicaps have simpler playing rules and have many similarities with European handicaps. Here are the basic rules for playing draw:


Team A wins: In case you believe team A will win and bet on team A, you will receive a bonus. On the contrary, if you bet on team B, you will lose your entire bet.

Draw: Players will have their bets refunded if the match ends in a draw.

Team B wins: In case you believe team B will win and bet on team B, you will receive a bonus. On the contrary, if your prediction is wrong, you will lose your entire bet.

Some specific examples of draw bets

Below is an example of a draw so that newbies can easily visualize this type of bet:


Match between Man City and Liverpool.

The tie bet is set by the house at 0.



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At this time, there will be 3 betting results including:

Man City wins: Players who bet on Man City will receive a bonus amount corresponding to the listed rate for Man City. Players who bet on Liverpool lost all their money

Liverpool wins: Players who bet on Liverpool will receive a bonus amount corresponding to the listed odds for Liverpool. Players who bet on Man City lost all their money

Draw result: Player will have their bet refunded.

Example of draw bet

Example of draw bet

Experience in playing draw bets

Although the gameplay and rules are quite simple, it cannot be denied that the draw bet is also a type of bet that requires a very high level of skill and experience. Let's take a look at some experiences from experts:


Carefully analyze the match: Before the match takes place, try to refer to articles on reviews and odds from soccer betting experts. Besides, you can also try

Consult the community: To make an accurate decision, consulting the community is not a bad idea. Through other players, you can get important facts before placing a tie bet.

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A draw bet is a type of bet that contains many risks but also brings many opportunities. Hopefully through the above article, you have received useful information.


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